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Browse Items (95 total)


Lavender Vision ca. 1970-71

Students of Arts and Sciences, McGill University February 4, 1971

E. Sharon Gomillion and Casey Czarnik, Diana Press 1973

The Radical Therapist, Inc. 1972

The Radical Therapist, Inc. December 1974

The Collective of The Center for Women's Studies and Services June 1977

The Radical Therapist, Inc. April/May 1973

The Radical Therapist, Inc. April 1972
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Newsreel Films 1971
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Newsreel Films 1968
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unknown ca. late-1960s or early-1970s
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unknown 1969
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RAT Subterranean News October 29-November 18, 1970
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Spirit of Logos February 1973
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off our backs February 1970
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Leviathan Publications, Inc. October and November 1969
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Red Morning Summer 1971
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Carolina Plain Dealer February 1971
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Leviathan Publications, Inc. May 1970
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Cornell Daily Sun May 6, 1969
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RAT Subterranean News May 22-June 4, 1970
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RAT Subterranean News June 5-19, 1970
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R.A.T. Publications, Inc February 6-23, 1970
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Roz Payne and unidentified others undated
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Off Our Backs undated
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revolutionary separatist white women, published by Know, Inc. September/October, 1971
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Beverly Jones and Judith Brown, published by New England Free Press 1968
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Ellen Cantarow, Elizabeth Diggs, Katherine Ellis, Janet Marx, Lillian Robinson, Muriel Schien, published by Radical Education Project 1969
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published by New England Free Press 1966
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May Day Collective 1967
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Cold Steel Mid-Summer 1971
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unknown ca. early-1970s
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New York Media Project March 1970, vol. 1, no. 3
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Miami Conventions Coalition August 20-23, 1972
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New York Media Project July 1970, vol. 1, no. 4
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New York Media Project undated
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Weather Underground Summer 1975, no. 2

Red Balloon Collective 1973

R.A.T. Publications, Inc. February 14-20, 1969

Radical Education Project, Detroit, Michigan

Summerhill Collective ca. 1972

Chicago Women’s Liberation Union ca. late-1960s or early-1970s

Chicago Women’s Liberation Union ca. late-1960s or early-1970s
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