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Home > Editorial Standards Statement

Editorial Standards Statement


The materials presented in this digital archive were collected by Roz Payne during her many years of activism. The project does not purport to provide an exhaustive catalog of all of the materials Payne held onto from the 1960s-era, but they do represent a substantial chunk of her holdings. It is possible that more materials from Payne's personal collection might be digitized in the future and added to this archive, or that other activists from the 1960s-era might contribute materials to the project. Similarly, as new details or information come to light about specific items in this archive, we will continue to refine entries, descriptions, interpretations and analysis for greater clarity, context, complexity and accuracy. In this way, the Roz Payne Sixties Archive is an organic, dynamic and evolving project.

Controversial Material

The Roz Payne Sixties Archive works to provide a faithful digital record of Roz Payne's personal collection of 1960s-era materials. It is important to remember that the materials in this archive reflect the turbulent tenor of the times and the particular perspectives of a range of New Left activists, many of whom considered themselves "radicals" or "revolutionaries." Some items in the archive contain explicit language or address challenging, or controversial, subject matter from a highly politicized perspective. Our editorial policy aims to accurately present these artifacts, provide a modicum of context and some analysis, where possible, but to mainly allow the materials to speak for themselves as objects from a critically important, but still contested, period in recent U.S. history.

Document Selection and Organization

This project grew spontaneously from a personal friendship between Roz Payne and Dr. Patrick Jones and a common desire to make her personal collection of 1960s-era artifacts available to the widest possible audience for free and for educational purposes. Because Payne's archives were not fully organized, nor cataloged, and often a part of her lived reality in her home, the selection and digitization process was, for lack of a better term, improvisational. Dr. Jones attempted to document as many artifacts as possible during his time in Burlington, but we acknowledge that this archive is not a complete digital rendering of Payne's collection.

The materials in the Roz Payne Sixties Archive have been organized into eight broad categories by type of artifact – Underground Press; Small Press Publications; Leaflets, Flyers, Broadsides and Article Reprints; Posters and Graphic Design; Buttons; Photographs; Objects; and, Newsreel Films. Another approach might have been to group materials by issue, or movement – Anti-War; Civil Rights and Black Power; Women's Liberation; Gay Liberation; Chicano Movement; Early Environmentalism; and so forth. Because of the over-lapping, and often intersectional nature of these movements, we decided to group materials by type, instead of topic. In the future, we hope to build some exhibits that focus on and group artifacts related to specific political movements within the broader New Left.


The bulk of materials in the Roz Payne Sixties Archive have been processed by Dr. Patrick Jones, though a number of undergraduate and graduate students have also helped with that work, most significantly, Jessica Carter. Student participation in the project provides both undergraduates and graduate students a valuable and unique hands-on opportunity to develop their historical and digital skills. Item descriptions have drawn on secondary sources, existing online resources and, in some cases, other primary source materials. Work completed by students has been overseen by Dr. Jones and we have attempted to render artifacts, metadata and descriptions as faithfully as possible, though we acknowledge that an archive of this size with student participation is bound to contain a certain number of typographical errors, informational mistakes and even contested analyses. As we become aware of errors, mistakes or problematic interpretations, we will continue to work to correct them.

Omeka and Dublin Core

This project has been created using the Omeka system, which was made by a team of historians and digital humanists at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media as a high-quality, easy-to-use tool for scholars, students, libraries, museums, archives and other similar institutions to produce digital archives from their content. Artifacts uploaded into this platform are encoded using the Dublin Core Metadata schema. Dublin Core is a widely adopted set of core elements used for describing a variety of networked resources. The fifteen-element Dublin Core has achieved international, cross-disciplinary dissemination as part of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). The core element are: Creator, Contributor, Publisher, Title, Date, Language, Format, Subject, Description, Identifier, Relation, Source, Type, Coverage, and Rights. In the Roz Payne Digital Archive, we have selected a subset from this broader menu of Dublin Core elements to encode artifacts.

Conditions of Use

The Roz Payne Digital Archive as a whole, as well as the texts, images, and other items contained in it, are protected under the copyright laws of the United States and the Universal Copyright Convention.

The Roz Payne Digital Archive is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0).

Non-commercial Use

The core philosophy of the Roz Payne Sixties Archive is to make this unique collection of 1960s-era artifacts available to the widest possible audience for non-commercial, educational purposes. For Roz Payne and Dr. Patrick Jones, this approach seems in keeping with the broader collective spirit of the Sixties. Users are allowed to distribute and adapt our work, so long as they credit The Roz Payne Digital Archive, make their work available non-commercially, and distribute their work under the same terms and spirit that Payne and Jones embarked on this project.

Commercial Use

It was an important part of Roz Payne's wishes in participating in this digital archiving project that the materials in her collection be made available for non-commercial, educational purposes only.


You do not need to request permission to link to The Roz Payne Digital Archive or to individual items within the site. (Please note that URLs may change over time.) To identify The Roz Payne Sixties Archive as the source of information that you are using in a paper, article, book, blog post, slide show, or other print or electronic communication medium, please include the complete title of the item, the name of the site, its URL, and the date you accessed it. APA, Chicago/Turabian and MLA all provide useful models for this citation style and users are encouraged to consult those references for further guidance.