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"La mujer hebrea" de Bertold Brecht; "El Holandés" de Leroy Jones
Rolando de Oraá Carratalá, artistConsejo Nacional de Cultura, publisher 1968
Assata Shakur - Free All Black Liberation Fighters
Right edge has "Jackrabbit Press 464 Willamette Eugene Oregon" printed in black and a black stamp for the Assatta Shakur Defense Committee. ca. 1973Spectre, no. 4
revolutionary separatist white women, published by Know, Inc. September/October, 1971"The Political Economy of Male Chauvinism," by Katherine Kaufer and Tom Christoffel
reprinted by the New England Free Press from the PL, the national magazine of the Progressive Labor Party 1976RAT Subterranean News, issue 15, October 29-November 18, 1970
RAT Subterranean News October 29-November 18, 1970
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