Browse Items (42 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Tags: Vermont Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added The People's Voice, May 1983 The People's Voice May 1983 Vermont Commune (4 images) Roz Payne ca. 1970s Living Theater (2 images) Roz Payne ca. 1970s Vermonters Organized for Clean-up unknown unknown Free Vermont unknown ca. early-1970s The Wood Chip Plant is Coming Burlington Environmental Alliance unknown Roz Payne, Sheriff (1 image) unknown undated Nixon's War Means Higher Food Prices The People's Assembly of Vermont ca. early-1970s Newsreel Films Screening Flyers unknown unknown Hello Richmond Household unknown - "Jonny" ca. 1971 Burlington Snow Allen Ginsberg February 21, 1986 Eldridge Cleaver at University of Vermont The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles undated Vermont Free Territory unknown ca, 1970s Sanders for Mayor Bernie 1981 1981 Free Vermont Free Vermont Collective 1984 Asylum for Kristina Berster Kristina Berster Defense Committee 1979 Vermonters Declare Your Energy Independence unknown ca. 1970s As Goes Burlington So Goes France unknown 1981 Bernie ’86 Bernie 1986 1986 Bernie for Burlington Bernie 1981 1981 Bernie ’88 Bernie 1988 1988 Bernie ’94 Bernie 1994 1994 Sanders for Mayor Bernie 1981 1981 Roslyn Payne for Assistant Judge unknown undated Bernie Sanders for Mayor Bernie Sanders for Mayor 1983 Free Vermont unknown 1970 The Living Theater Collective unknown ca. 1970s Bread and Puppet Presents Joan of Arc Bread and Puppet Theatre Company 1977 Sanders for Mayor Sanders for Mayor Committee ca. 1983 Grand Slam for Burlington Sanders for Mayor Committee ca. 1987 Bernie Benefit artists for Sanders ca. mid-1980s Vermont Vietnam unknown undated Stop the Klan in Vermont unknown 1982 Asylum for Kristina Berster Kristina Berster Defense Committee 1978 Vermont Vietnam unknown unknown Burlington is Not for Sale unknown 1981 Save the Waterfront unknown ca. mid- or late-1980s Second Burlington People's Circus unknown unknown Reading/Performance FBI Letters: The War on Black Americans FBI unknown SPARC Speakers Bureau Presents... SPARC 1988 Patriots for Peace Patriots for Peace 2003 Second Annual Vermont Peoples Fair Vermont Peoples Fair ca. mid-1970s Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Tags: Vermont Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Output Formats atom, csv, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2