Midnight Special Prisoners News, vol. 3, no. 7, July 1973
Midnight Special Prisoners News, vol. 3, no. 7, July 1973
Prisoner's Rights Movement
Midnight Special Prisoners News was published in the early-1970s by the National Lawyers Guild in New York. The newspaper was a part of the larger prisoner’s rights movement and sought to provide news about conditions inside prisons from the prisoner’s point of view. It also shared legal information aimed at helping prisoners and expanding their rights. In this issue, articles focus on the Intensive Treatment Program Center in Marquette, Michigan; conditions at Attica State Prison; the purpose of police; reports from prisons in Milan, Michigan, Lorton, Virginia, Springfield, Missouri, Clinton and Bordertown, New Jersey, Bedford Hills, New York, Frontera, California, Dannemora, New York, Mattewan State Hospital in New York, and Riker’s Island, New York; a plea for prisoner unity; the case of the Virgin Island 5; the Wounded Knee 8; poetry; race, class and prisoner unity; the Polar Bear Party; education and liberation; update on a Brooklyn prisoner rights lawsuit; letters to the editor.
National Lawyers Guild
Roz Payne
Center for Digital Research in the Humanities, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
July 1973
underground press
Original Format
National Lawyers Guild, “Midnight Special Prisoners News, vol. 3, no. 7, July 1973,” Roz Payne Sixties Archive, accessed March 13, 2025, https://rozsixties.unl.edu/items/show/714.