



Roz Payne was a photographer and took hundreds of images of activism during the Sixties. The images in this collection include more than 500 photographs of the protests outside the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Other seminal events captured here include the 1967 anti-war demonstration at the Pentagon, the 1968 student take-over at Columbia University, the 1968 Huey Newton and Panther 21 trials, the Yippies and the Venceremos Brigade. Photos include famous Sixties figures, like Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Eldridge Cleaver, H. Rap Brown, Bobby Seale, Kathleen Cleaver, Phil Ochs, Norman Mailer, A.J. Muste, Dick Gregory, Jean Genet, William Burroughs, Richard Daley, Mark Rudd, Dhoruba Bin Wahad and others. There are numerous other photos of lesser-known moments and activists, as well.

Items in the Photographs Collection


Roz Payne ca. 1999

Roz Payne ca. late-1960s or early-1970s

Roz Payne August 1968

Roz Payne ca. late-1960s
BPP w: fists up.jpeg

Roz Payne ca. 1970-1971
10:21:67 Pentagon Demo.jpeg

Roz Payne October 21, 1967
PICT0015 2.JPG

Roz Payne ca. late-1960s
Janis Joplin.jpeg

Roz Payne ca. late-1960s
Linden, NJ HS protest.jpeg

Roz Payne ca. late-1960s or early-1970s
Living Theater perf.jpeg

Roz Payne ca. 1970s

Roz Payne ca. 1969 or early-1970s

Roz Payne ca. 1970s

Roz Payne ca. late-1960s or early-1970s
Festival Menu (1970)002.jpeg

Roz Payne 1970
Roz w: face paint.jpeg

unknown ca. late-1960s and early-1970s

Roz Payne ca. late-1960s
Young Lords.jpeg

Roz Payne ca. late-1960s or early-1970s
Huegla Edinburg, TX 1967.jpg

Roz Payne ca. late-1960s or early-1970s
Stop Bombing Now.jpeg

Roz Payne ca. late-1960s
Peace Sign LES:NYC.jpeg

Roz Payne ca. late-1960s or early-1970s
Rally at UVT.jpeg

Roz Payne ca. early-1970s

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